Donate to Help Our Cause
First Responder flag contains 47 skulls. These skulls replacing the stars on the field of the flag, represent unnecessary, untimely losses, personally tied to Iron Arsenal’s founder. These losses occurred prior too, and ultimately drove the program’s

Those that serve, need our service

The unfortunate statistics around threat and violence that permeate our society, are of paramount direct effect on our military, law enforcement officers, fire fighters, corrections officers, nurses, our houses of worship, our children’s schools, and our communities.

Those that commit their lives to service, safety, peace, and duty; are daily, from interview to incident, on the front and last lines of violence and tragedy. They need our help. They need the Iron Arsenal Tactics Foundation and your support.

How it works

By contributing to the Iron Arsenal Tactics Foundation, you are offering funds to support the much needed training in personal and team defensive tactics, to ensure our First Responders & Military go home, every day. When you click through to contribute, you will have the option of guiding your funds towards specific training; Active Shooter Survivability, T.E.A.M.S. Training, etc… You will also be able to choose a specific school, church, agency, or organization to which your contribution will apply. You may also contribute in “general”, knowing your funds will support any or all of these groups. Training funds are scarce, as well as agency allotted time and resources for these life saving skills. Help now.

Our "Front Line / Last Line Program” for First Responders and those in need, utilizes the following choices in clinic length and ongoing training: 

    • Iron Arsenal Levels I-V Defensive Tactics & Combatives

      • Civilian to Active War Fighter

      • Gross motor skill enforcing ease of education & retention

      • Agency and occupation curriculum based

      • Individual & Team Training

      • Certificate & Train the Trainer Certs

    • A.S.S.E.T. (Agency Specific Sentinel Enhanced Training)

      • Force continuum compliant

      • Behavior Detection & De-escalation “heavy”

      • Scenario & Stress inoculation specific

      • Agency & legally compliant empty hand, less lethal, to lethal UOF

    • T.E.A.M.S. (Threat Education, Active Shooter Training, and Mitigation Strategies)

      • Schools

      • Houses of Worship

      • Entrepreneur, Small Business, Corporation

      • Physical Security Assessments

      • Crisis & Threat Protocol Mentoring

      • Termination Procedure Evaluation & Updating

    • Specialized group Personal Protection & Self Defense

      • Women’s groups

      • Children’s groups, Scouts, athletic teams, etc.

      • Specific career or micro groups; Realtors, lawyers, etc.

      • Psychological, emotional & physical empowerment

    • Corporate team building

      • Clinic length 4-6 hours

      • 8 hour “Day in the Life of a First Responder / SOF”

      • Multi Day Specified and alacarte training

These offerings identify and fill gaps in education, training, and practice of:

  • Threat identification

  • Pathway to Violence

  • Behavior detection

  • De-escalation

  • Evasion

  • Escape

  • Mitigation

  • Defensive tactics (agency/team “need” specific)

    • Empty hand

    • Less lethal

    • Lethal

    • Multiple bad actor / assailant

  • Breaching / Entry

  • Room clearing

  • Worse case scenarios

  • Multi / Cross agency team building / mentoring

  • Triage

  • Post incident